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1452420проверка файлов cookieIndivisible анонсирован для Nintendo Switch в 2018 году

Indivisible анонсирован для Nintendo Switch в 2018 году

505 Games and Lab Zero Games announced today that неделимый, the adventure-RPG from the makers of Skullgirls, will make its way to the Nintendo Switch.

Так почему же неделимый coming to Nintendo’s system? Because fans asked for it.

According to Peter Bartholow, CEO of Lab Zero Games, many of their fans begged them for a Switch port, so they obliged. He mentions in the press release…

“Ever since Nintendo announced the Switch, Lab Zero’s fans have been clamoring for Indivisible to come to the platform. Platformers and RPGs are great on the couch or on the go, making our game a great fit for the console. So supporting the Switch was an easy decision,”


“The team has been hard at work on Indivisible for more than a year now, and we’re excited to share the progress with our supporters. We wouldn’t be making this game without them, and it’s important that we keep them involved and listen to their feedback to make the game even better.”

Indie developers have been quick to jump onto the Switch bandwagon. AAA publishers? Not so much.

The Switch has been selling out pretty consistently since March 3rd. Nintendo hasn’t been able to keep up with the demand with such a limited supply. Investors have been salivating over the success of the machine, and it’s helped drive up the price of Nintendo’s stock, especially after announcements for games like Monster Hunter XX coming to the Switch with cross-platform compatibility with the Nintendo 3DS.

Что касается неделимый, they launched a new trailer to help lure gamers in by cementing it in stone that it’s coming to the Switch. You can check it out below.

Just like the other versions, you’ll be able to get неделимый on the Switch in collector’s edition that comes in a custom tin box with a plastic slip cover. A physical rendition of the game for the Switch will be packaged inside along with a full color art manual.

The Nintendo Switch version of the game will launch in 2018 alongside the PC, PS4, and Xbox One versions of неделимый.

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